Monday, September 13, 2010

Levels Of Our Body

As we first started learning about anatomy one of the first things we learned was the different levels of organization. Of all these levels there are five different ones. They include chemical, cellular, organ, organ system, and organismal level. Chemical level is when atoms combine with each other to form molecules such as water and proteins. Then the cellular level  deals with cells. They each are different in size and shape, so they each have unique functions in the body. The tissue level has to do with groups of similar cells that have a common function. With tissues, there are four different types. These include epithelium, muscle, connective tissue, and nervous tissue. All of these tissues have their own role in the body. Next is the organ level. This is composed of two types of tissue which they perform a specific function in the body. At this level, extremely complex functions become possibe. Each organ of the body has its own specific functions that only one specific organ can do. The next level is the organ system. A system is when multiple organs work together to make one. Finally, we get to the highest level of organization and that is the organismal level. The organismal level is all of these levels together which then gives us life.

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