Thursday, March 17, 2011


In the class, we did a lab to look at the different waves in our heart beats, including the P, Q, R, and S waves. By doing this we used an EKG sensor. First, we put a positive EKG sensor on our left forearm. Then, a negative on the right forearm. We also put a ground clip to the right wrist. After we were all hooked up the computer showed us our waves. It was cool to see mine compared to others in the classroom because all of ours were different. My group also noticed that boys had higher waves then girls. It was really neat to see!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Heart Dissection

Pig Heart: The size of the heart wasn't very big in size. It was about the size of two fists together. First, we cut it apart down the middle and then examined the inside. Since it wasn't all that small we were able to view all of the parts clearly. All of the measurements that we took on this dissection were smaller then 10 cm.

Sheep Heart
The sheep heart was a little bit smaller than the pig, but not by much. They were both pretty similiar to each other. The colors were also a bit different. The sheep heart was dissected the same way the pig was. Cut right down the middle then split apart.

The cow heart was the one with the most differences. The size was much larger and the color was even the most different. The cow heart was a few centimeter differences on each part of it. The part that had the most different size was the ventricles. With the two other parts the ventricles were about 3 cm on average. While the cow heart was 12 cm and the right ventricle was 13 cm.

After viewing all of the hearts, there were three major differences. Those were size, shape, and color. A reason they might all be different is because the animals themselves are all different in sizes so that could be a big factor to what size the heart is.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Leech Neurophysiology Lab

Purpose:  To record the electrical activity in the neurons.

Hypothesis: It will be easy to identify the electrical activity of the leech because the ganglia is large and they will all respond the same.

Materials: feather, probe, forceps, scissors, pins, scalpel, dissection tray, leech tank, 20% ethanol, leech tongs, dissection microscope, micromanipulator, oscilloscope, leech

Procedure: Anesthetize the leach, after stretching the leech, pin the leech on its head and tail, dorsal side up. Remove the insides and remove the ganglion. Cut out the ganglion window and set it aside from the others, then cut the sinus. Probe and identify the ganglion sensory cells using different stimuli.

Result/Conclusions: One ganglion consists of many cells that are stimulated by different or similar stimuli. Since the leech has a small system there are five cell types that can be found. (Cell Types N, T, P, R, and X) Each cell or neuron was found by responding to the feather (weak probing), probe (medium probing), and forceps (strong probing). Some of the cell types responded to all three of the stimuli, but some only responded to a couple stimuli and remained unresponsive. The many responses to a single ganglia portrays the immense amount of stimulation that the entire nervous system of the leech undergoes. Although it is a simple nervous system to work with, it is very complex

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bone Fractures

There are fourteen ways that you can break and fracture a bone. Some are very simple breaks while others are very complex and actually break through the skin. The following are all the different fractures and breaks.

Non-displaced: bone ends retains normal position. Another words, the bone cracks but it still remains in its place.
Displaced: bone ends are out of normal alignment. 
Complete: bone is broken all the way through
Incomplete: Bone is not broken all the way through
Linear: the fracture is parallel to the long axis of the bone

Transverse: The fracture is perpendicular to the long axis of the bone
Compound (open)- bone ends penetrate skin
Simple (closed): bone ends do not penetrate the skin

Comminuted: bone fragments into three or more pieces; common in elderly
Spiral: ragged break when bone is excessively twisted; common sports injury

Depressed: broken bone portion pressed inward; typical skull fracture
Compression: bone is crushed; common in porous bones
Epiphyseal: epipysis seperates from diaphysis along epipyseal line; occurs where cartilage cells are dying

Greenstick: incomplete fracture where one side of the bone breaks and the other side bends; common in children

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tissue Engineering

This website above has information containing the future plans that scientists and researchers plan. It involves tissue engineering that does not recquire the controversial use of embryonic stem cells. This kind of tissue engineering is all natural.
Tissue engineering. What is it? Engineers, reseachers, and scientists are working together to creat a new kind of future. Tissue engineering is imitating life. These scientists first goal is to get cells to proliferate. By doing this they have to look at many specific things, for example, they look at the environment in which the cell grows and the physical environment of the cell as well. One experiment they have done included a hairless mouse in which the scientists grew an ear on top of it.
Some other experiments that have been tried is a bioreactor cultivating cartliage, heart valves, and blood vessels, and a bioreactor that keeps the cells in perpetual free fall.
With this kind of tissue engineering, people that need a new heart, better kidneys, or some other kind of organ will no longer have to wait. Tissue engineering will revolutionize transplant medicine.